
Binance Smart Chain (Bep_20)

The Binance smart chain uses a chain of Ethereum chains (ERC_20) to share smart controls.

Ethereum is a platform network designed to allow various decentralized applications to operate based on its own blockchain. DApps can easily and quickly issue tokens using smart contracts on these Ethereum platforms. In the Binance blockchain, (BNB) is used, and in the DApp on the Ethereum blockchain, a token that can be applied to another various fields is issued accordingly with each solution. The issued token seems to be an independent token, but it is actually compatible and usable in the Ethereum ecosystem.


TotalSupply() function: refers to the total amount of issued, and the total amount of issued tokens tells you how many tokens there are in total and specifies the number of tokens that can be generated and used for net conditions. transfer() function: Refers to remittance, through which tokens can be transferred from the total issued address to a personal account. Initial token distribution is executed with a designated wallet. This function is where ICO tokens are usually ERC-20 tokens. balanceOf() function : refers to the balance, returns the tokens in the account, and tracks the token balance of all wallets. transferFrom() function: The user can use the remittance function to allow the user to send and exchange measurement tokens. This function acts like a wallet address, recipient, and intermediary who got the remittance and then performs the transaction. Approve() function: The approval function prevents people from creating counterfeit tokens. Check the total amount of tokens issued to allow or deny transactions, maintain the maximum number of tokens, and track which tokens are in which wallet. Allowance() function : When someone tricks the system with the permit function and wants to send more tokens than they own, users cannot send more tokens than they have because of the permit function. When a transaction is made, it is canceled. All transactions are double-checked to be valid before the transaction is executed.[3]

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